Uncategorized Mar 20, 2018

Do you experience chronic pain in your back, neck, shoulders, or limbs? Do you experience any restriction in range of motion or fear of specific movements like bending, walking up or downstairs, or just moving your arms? Do you suffer from emotional pain?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you already know how much chronic pain can reduce the quality of life, limit your ability to sit, stand, walk, or even rest. It may even put many of your social activities on hold, making travel and recreational activities more difficult. In extreme cases, hyperactive pain body may make you feel depressed, impaired, and dependent on others, as well as rob you of quality sleep.

Do you want to move freely again, feel more flexible, balanced and at ease, as well as enjoy social life again? If so, it is time for you to learn this simple, yet profound, way to heal your pain body, let go of tension, and restore your wellness! If you want to have restful sleep, set yourself free of stress, so that you can become more alive, empowered, and pain-free, please enjoy my new series of online classes now.


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